

Three weeks ago I had the privilege and honor to attend my first mission out of town and my heart is still overwhelmed by God’s goodness and faithfulness. When I sit and reflect on the amazing works He carried out in those days we were in the field, my heart breaks down in worship and total surrender. True to His word, I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good and blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him (Psalms 34: 8)

The first time the mission was announced in church, I was pretty excited owing to the fact that it was going to be my first field encounter and more so because it was a chance to be positioned for impact, our 2018 Theme as CITAM (Christ is the answer ministries) Church. But soon enough the excitement wore off and it turned to worry and anxiety. What would I say? What would I share? Was I ready? Would God use me? How would He use? How would the experience be? I had a gazillion questions running through my mind and the more I wondered the less excited I was about the mission. I knew this was the enemy trying to drown my faith in fear and if I allowed him to, he would steal my joy and chance at pouring myself out to be used of God. I had to fight back the way I knew how.

If you ever feel you are inadequate, worthless or not enough, you didn’t get those ideas from God. I reminded myself who I was and who I belonged to and that He hadn’t brought me this far to let me down. I stood by 2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. I stood by God’s promises and believed that He would never lead me where His grace wouldn’t cover me and that in all these things He had promised that He would never leave my side.

The night before the travelling date I was up frantically combing through my closet for long dresses, I didn’t let my mum sleep because she was my mirror, approving what was going in the bag or not. After settling on the choice of dresses, we realized that my travelling bag was missing, more of someone had borrowed it but hadn’t returned (life with sisters, lol). I went into a panic mode and thought to myself, “Guess am not supposed to travel after all.” But all this time she was calm and assured me it was going to be alright in the morning. And true to her word when I woke up, there was my travelling bag, she had picked it for me just so that I wouldn’t miss the mission. My heart melted in gratitude and I felt an assurance calm my spirit that all would be well and I was destined to be on that trip. (thanks Ma, if I turn out to be half the mom you are, my kids will be blessed).

On our way to Bomet, a close friend and I were catching up on our walk of faith and the expectations we had of the mission, it was both our first time and a relief to have someone understand the lil butterflies in my stomach. What amazed me most was how God spoke to us both about some things we had been struggling with separately. As we shared our stories, He gave a revelation about our situations and it was mind-blowing to get a breakthrough. Most Christians believe they need to seek out pastors and men of God for their deliverance but I am convinced without doubt that some of the struggles we go through can be healed simply by the power of confessing to each other as stated in James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. I share this from my personal experience, some of the challenges I have overcome by God’s grace have been conquered on my knees with my prayer circle, my group of prayer warriors with whom we can be vulnerable with, pray together, cry out and seek God together. And together we have witnessed God working in our lives for the glory and honor of His name.

The first day out on the field I was a bit nervous truth be told to the extent I vowed I would remain quiet and let the others share but my group would not let me have it. We all need people in our lives who believe in us even when we doubt ourselves, people who can see the treasure in us and are willing to dig out the dirt and expose the gold within. I remember my friends and I approaching a group of young men to share the gospel when I was randomly asked to share a word. Oh how I wished that the ground would open up and swallow me but as soon as I gained courage and opened my mouth to speak, words came flowing from within. It wasn’t like I had planned anything to say but I didn’t lack words to share, at that moment the Holy spirit took over and scriptures came to mind. That was the push I needed to assure me that I was not alone, my Helper and guide was with me and as promised in scripture, Matthew 10:19-20 At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

From that moment, I was empowered and charged to engage more people and be led where I needed to share the word. Every homestead we went to and every audience we met, God shared the word He wanted His people to receive and it was completely humbling to see the Spirit taking over and touching lives. It was evident from the turnout at the crusades, revivals and medical camp that people were hungry for God and the most beautiful part was being given a chance to witness God fill up His people. Personally it was overwhelming for me to be used as a vessel to outpour God’s love, hope, to lead people to salvation and watch people receive healing.

Above all, I was grateful to pick a few lessons;

  1. God chooses who to use

I thought I had to be saved for a couple of years and have immense experience in the field for God to use me but that was a complete lie. God chooses who to use regardless of our backgrounds or our past. All He ever requires is a willing heart that is ready to be emptied of itself & be filled with God and a teachable spirit. That was my first mission but it didn’t deter God from using me to make a difference in people’s lives, lead them to His kingdom, lay hands on the sick and watch them receive their healing. It was not about me, it was never about me and it will never be about me. It’s all about Christ and the agenda of His kingdom.

Most times believers talk themselves out of their destiny because they constantly focus on themselves, their past, their weaknesses forgetting that when God calls you, He needs you to die to self-daily and focus on Him. It’s never about us and the danger of constantly thinking of ourselves and our inadequacies takes the focus off the power that lies within us that is able to strengthen us to do anything. If God has called you, trust that He will provide and fund for His plans.

  1. The enemy will attack

After two days in the mission I fell totally ill while in the field. We had been on door to door missions and for that particular morning we had camped at the dispensary praying for people and sharing the gospel. It was my first time to lead people to salvation, to witness instant healing and I was feeling humbled and amazingly overwhelmed. That evening before we had a revival meeting, I fell ill. I had a fever, my stomach was upset, my throat was sore, my chest was aching terribly, all my joints were on fire, I was shivering like a leaf. I had so many thoughts run through my mind and it threatened to steal my joy and the testimony I already had. But I thank God He turned it around to His glory because I got to be prayed for, I received my instant healing and I was able to experience the miracle that we had been sharing with people earlier on the day. God was so gracious to let me experience His touch in a special and mighty way.

The enemy’s agenda is to kill, steal and destroy and just because we are saved and working for Christ doesn’t guarantee a trouble free journey. An empowered Christian who knows who they are in Christ poses a bigger threat to the enemy camp because there is nothing the devil fears more than believers knowing the power and authority we have within us. That’s why he fights us hardest in our identity and we end up letting the world and its standards to define us so that we are momentarily blinded to the truth. There is purpose in our pain & suffering and if we allow God to step in, He uses it all to work out for our good, for the glory and honor of His name.

  1. We are called to greatness

My experience at the mission taught me that we are not just called for salvation, we are called for so much more. We are not just saved to go to church every Sunday and attend a weekly fellowship here and there. We are called to be conformed to the image and likeness of Christ, to live our lives like He did, we are called to be impactful and make a difference everywhere we go.

Serving at the mission revealed to me my greatest lesson, that the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”) isn’t just for the select few, it’s for all who have accepted Christ as the Lord and savior. We are called to lead and draw people to Christ regardless of where you are or what you do. That’s our great assignment.

There are 66 books in the bible but there is a 67th one; YOU. Some people will never go to church but they will study you and your life because you are a living letter. What do they see when they look at you??

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