The first week of August went down, the sun was out and shining, feeling great and happy and blessed and all amazing things wrapped in one. August you are blessed and so are we so how about we stop and take stock of that.
A: Appreciating each and every thing/moment, good, okay or bad because there’s something to learn and learning = growth.
B: Being present in the moment. Not living in the past, the “what could have been” and not dwelling in the future, the “what will be” but learning to live in the moment, appreciating and seeing the beauty in it all.
C: Counting my blessings every day and realizing that it’s the smallest blessings that paint a big miracle when taken into account.
D: Daring to dream big because my hope is anchored on a bigger God who does exceedingly abundantly above all I can ever ask, think or imagine.
E: Enjoying the little things like basking in the sunshine, midnight giggles, a smile from a stranger, warm hugs from loved ones.
F: Feeling excited that my birthday is coming up very soon, four months to be precise and I’ll be ushered into third floor.
G: Growing gradually at the pace set before me and appreciating every milestone on the way.
H: Having the peace of God guard my heart and mind that even when the tempest is raging and the billows are tossed high, am reminded that the winds and waves obey His will.
I: In love, so totally in ♥
J: Jamming to this dope Jersualema song by Master KG ft Nomcebo Jerusalema ikhaya lami… Never misses in my morning playlist.
K: Keeping fit, well trying to. I’ve only gained one kilo in the last two months, not bad aye,hehe.
L: Learning how to drive, finally. I know, don’t judge. I have procrastinated this for so long but this chicken has come home to roost.
M: Marriage is beautiful ♥ . So glad I waited on God.
N: Not afraid of being totally sold out to Christ, even if it means that He is all I gush about, I can’t help it.
O: Onto that feel good vibe. August will be a great month.
P: Parenting has been on my mind lately, I feel am in a season of preparation where God is revealing some amazing lessons and am excitedly learning.
Q: Quiet moments after a long hard day are to die for, be it in the shower listening to music or sitting down to have devotions and journal. Learning to quiet your heart and mind in the midst of chaos is a milestone.
R: Remembering to be intentional in reaching out to my circle and loved ones. Am not good at calling and checking up (totally prefer texting and chatting) but that won’t be an excuse anymore. Not perfect but we keep trying to be the best. If I can’t do it for the ones I love, who will it be for?
S: Shining in my own little way and being a ray of sunshine to others when I can.
T: Trying to grow my hair and at the same time trying to be an enthusiastic naturalista because weeeeh.
U: Understanding that everyone has a story to tell and most times how they treat you isn’t a reflection of you but of their journey in their story.
V: Vacating empty dreams, empty bonds, empty efforts, all things empty because I want to live a full life.
W: Watching alot of series and football because it’s his love and he is mine.
X: (e)xercise.. Refer to K,lol..
Y: Yaaaay.. You owe it to yourself to be happy. You determine your choices. You charter your path. You passionately pursue what moves you. You live boldly, unashamedly and unapologetic.
Z: Ze best. That’s what I wake up telling myself to be.
Have a beautiful weekend and lots of love!
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